This is a digital commission for Lancaster Jazz Festival 2022. The aim of the piece is to explore ways in which we can engage with work digitally that sit outside of contemporary content creation and consumption. This website acts as a kind of sound map of Lancaster, music sitting like a soundtrack alongside moving images and corresponding field recordings. This website is simple and allows for few distractions, it aims to look back (with a sort of mythologised nostalgia) to the internet of the late 1990s which seemed to offer a more under-stimulating but less regimented vision of the possibilities of digital life. Please enjoy and navigate as you would through the city.
Each page contains one of six scenes with accompanying audio. The whole work lasts around 10 minutes if you listen to the full audio. There is a player on each page from where you can start the audio. To continue moving through the work look for the 'next»' link on each page.